
The Garran Primary School curriculum is broad and stimulating. We are proud that student performance in the National Assessment Literacy and Numeracy Program (NAPLAN) displays consistently high results in literacy and numeracy, when compared with other students across the ACT and Australia. The school continues to be a leading and high performing school in Canberra and beyond.

A comprehensive curriculum is centred on the following key learning areas:

Where possible, learning is integrated to encourage creative and critical thinking across different subject areas. Students engage in different units of work throughout the year which encapsulate the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.

All classroom programs are differentiated and therefore designed to cater for the individual. The needs of gifted children are primarily met through differentiation of class programs and the Garran Primary Accelerated Learning Program as well as differentiated mathematics learning groups. There is also the opportunity for all students to be extended through school structures, competitions and extra-curricular activities. Additionally there are a range of structures to support children who are working toward achieving goals at their year level.